hello there!

I'm Lena Winslow
Integrative Health Coach


Research-Based Coaching

My approach is grounded in research, making me not just a coach but your partner in discovering your inherent strengths and maximizing your impact.

Strength-Centered Approach

Our coaching sessions focus on harnessing your inner strength to define and achieve the outcomes that truly matter to you.

Unlock Your Potential

We’ll delve deep into your untapped potential and bring your life vision to reality.

Specialized Support

Whether you’re dealing with challenges or aiming for expedited growth, my coaching is tailored to help you reach your highest capabilities.

Action-Oriented Coaching

I believe in taking action. Together, we’ll identify your desires and work on practical steps to align with your daily life.

Schedule an Appointment


A cancer survivor, autism mama bear, and open minded BFF you call on when the rain won’t stop, a connector of the dots, the big picture scientist, self-education fanatic, world traveler, and an emotional fitness buff.

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Vision, Structure, Support.
Expand your own Health, Relationships and Career


Words can’t express how wonderful it was working with Lena. She has a true gift; she makes you feel safe and comfortable. She shows you how to grant yourself grace, forgive and love yourself so that you may love others. She gently guides you to the best version of yourself with love and humility. I am so grateful for my time spent with Lena.


When I began working with Lena, I was in a place of feeling stuck in my life as a whole. My weight was higher than it had been in over 20 years, and my spirit felt defeated by the pandemic. Now, after working with her, I feel inspired and excited. I have also begun losing the weight I had tried so hard to lose for so many months on my own. She helped me to realize that we really do have all of the answers we need inside ourselves. Her guidance and support throughout our sessions helped me to trust more in myself, set realistic goals, and follow through. I am truly grateful to have been able to work with her during this difficult time. She helped me to see my obstacles as opportunities and as a result, my life has become more incredible than I could have ever imagined!


This experience has been like no other, and I am so glad I went on this journey with Lena! Before I began the coaching sessions, I knew areas of life were interwoven but never gave it much thought of how this personally impacted me. It wasn’t until I dove in and was guided by Lena that I truly started to understand what it all meant, how all the areas collectively impacted my health and wellness, and how I am worthy of doing something worthwhile and meaningful for myself outside my role as a professional and my role as a mother. The integrated areas of health and wellness (sleep, movement, nutrition, spirituality, resilience, environment, and relationships) are such important layers of our life that when one weakens, so do all the others. I learned a strong foundation is so vital to be my best self. Lena brings an amazing amount of knowledge, experience, compassion, trustworthiness, and patience to each session. I am forever grateful to Lena for helping me build my own personal toolbox to pursue a stronger and healthier integrative lifestyle. Thank you, Lena, for challenging me to be mindful of my ‘whys’ and putting me on a path to find my purpose.


My daughter Lilly has been working with Lena for several months. We recently learned that my 16-year-old has been navigating the world on the autism spectrum. We didn’t realize she was on the spectrum because she was high-functioning and was able to hide her differences. It became too much for her to manage, and she became depressed and was hospitalized. This prompted us to look for support and guidance. Along with other therapy and medical support, we reached out to Lena. As Lilly’s health coach, she has encouraged Lilly to look within and ask meaningful questions about her health. The purposeful questioning by Lena has allowed my daughter to take ownership of her personal well-being. The process of goal setting has also been key in moving forward. Lilly has been able to make connections with multiple areas of health (sleep, exercise, nutrition, spirituality) and see how they are interrelated and working together. I would highly recommend Lena as a health coach. She has given my daughter and our family a new and hopeful perspective on living!


Why I’m different

Find your clarity by focusing

 on your core health.

I’m an expert at connecting intellect with heart to find the soul. I believe in you so much that you can’t help but believe in yourself. I notice every detail but still see the whole picture. I will tell you when you have spinach in your teeth at lunch and blur the conventional lines to help you find your path while growing through even the toughest crisis with acceptance and gratitude.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I was brought back to wakefulness by the buzzing sound of David’s phone clear on the other side of the room. It was around 5:30 am. I let it buzz, it was his phone and I knew all my people were safe and sound. A few seconds later my phone started buzzing… It was my...

My Lightning Life

My Lightning Life

Many of you who are reading this first blog entry know me personally, I want to thank you for feeling the pull to connect with me here and hear this story.  When I was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago I head a quiet voice from the inside telling me to keep a blog, to...


Transplant from another continent, Ukranian ballerina, lover of French wine and bubbly, green food eating, kitchen singing and dancing, dog loving, teenager raising, homeschooling, nuclear scientist, minivan driving, autism mama bear of three. I emerge from the latest dust storm inspired by the great Audrey for the both of us, brush the dust off, and walk with you to the other side in style.

I am MANY things, just like you. While I don’t know it all, I have fallen deep, wide, far and hard, screwed up, leaned on God and found my mustard seed, learned lessons, rolled up my sleeves, found my certainty of purpose and became a bridge builder. I want to guide you to grow your future from your most difficult experiences, do the work needed, and move forward, you driving while I navigate. All this work to finally live out from your deepest WHY — starting sooner than you think.

Are You Ready to Get Out of Lukewarm Living?

Let’s start discussing the life you want!
dial up the life you WANT to arrive at your unique life on purpose.