hello there!
I'm Lena Winslow
Research-Based Coaching
My approach is grounded in research, making me not just a coach but your partner in discovering your inherent strengths and maximizing your impact.
Strength-Centered Approach
Our coaching sessions focus on harnessing your inner strength to define and achieve the outcomes that truly matter to you.
Unlock Your Potential
We’ll delve deep into your untapped potential and bring your life vision to reality.
Specialized Support
Whether you’re dealing with challenges or aiming for expedited growth, my coaching is tailored to help you reach your highest capabilities.
Action-Oriented Coaching
I believe in taking action. Together, we’ll identify your desires and work on practical steps to align with your daily life.

A cancer survivor, autism mama bear, and open minded BFF you call on when the rain won’t stop, a connector of the dots, the big picture scientist, self-education fanatic, world traveler, and an emotional fitness buff.
Provide your email here and we will give you a link to download a FREE Reset Guide.
Vision, Structure, Support.
Expand your own Health, Relationships and Career
Why I’m different
Find your clarity by focusing
 on your core health.

I’m an expert at connecting intellect with heart to find the soul. I believe in you so much that you can’t help but believe in yourself. I notice every detail but still see the whole picture. I will tell you when you have spinach in your teeth at lunch and blur the conventional lines to help you find your path while growing through even the toughest crisis with acceptance and gratitude.
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How miracles are MADE. Change starts with ONE.
As our city celebrates an iconic win, the 3rd most dramatic comeback in the NFL. I can’t help but think of what it would take to embody a mindset that allows for victories like that. To pull off a win, when even your own fans get quiet and brace for loss before the...
This Might Get Uncomfortable
Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and other podcast outlets.
The Parenting Reset Show – Episode #72

Transplant from another continent, Ukranian ballerina, lover of French wine and bubbly, green food eating, kitchen singing and dancing, dog loving, teenager raising, homeschooling, nuclear scientist, minivan driving, autism mama bear of three. I emerge from the latest dust storm inspired by the great Audrey for the both of us, brush the dust off, and walk with you to the other side in style.
I am MANY things, just like you. While I don’t know it all, I have fallen deep, wide, far and hard, screwed up, leaned on God and found my mustard seed, learned lessons, rolled up my sleeves, found my certainty of purpose and became a bridge builder. I want to guide you to grow your future from your most difficult experiences, do the work needed, and move forward, you driving while I navigate. All this work to finally live out from your deepest WHY — starting sooner than you think.
Are You Ready to Get Out of Lukewarm Living?
Let’s start discussing the life you want!
dial up the life you WANT to arrive at your unique life on purpose.